Team: London Veintappers

Owner: Mudrick

Coach Mudrick

About the Head Coach:

Age (DOB): 34 2-13-67

Occupation: Respectable Toll Collector

Home: New Jersey

Marital Status: Married without children

Favorite NFL Team: Dallas Cowboys

Favorite College Team: Rutgers

WON Screen Name: Mudrick

E-Mail Address:

Besides the obvious hobby I like most sports, sinning and hangin' out. Lets not forget ...Death Metal music.
About the Team:

The team was named Veintappers to give all those that take blood some credit. The London Veintappers were put together back in late '96 with the sole purpose to dominate. London has been in 4 SB's with a 3-1 record. Total win loss record of 87-27 over a 7 season span. London has had 5 straight #1 defensive titals. A record low yardage given up for a single season at just over 1100 and a record high offense for a single season at just over 5200.

Offense: Vein Objective

The most common offensive formations are a 3 TE formation and a spread formation. Style of offense and favorite formation Run run run......Pro-set

Defense: Horde!

The most common defensive formation is the 4-2 , 3-4 , or 5-2.

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